Mantra Tantra Yantra - English book
The book , Mantra Yantra Tantra , presents these three different ways of worshipping and the philosophy and psychology behind the worshipping of the manifest form of Shiva. The whole brahmand contains sounds like Mantras and functions as Tantra or Yantra . In other words the total universe is based on Mantra, Tantra and Yantra and inseparable from them. It is beauty behind worshipping ; the aesthetic sense ; scientific function and general and spiritual philosophy behind them. As we are unable to grasp the mystery behind the creation , in the same way we are unable to understand these three ways : Mantra Tantra and Yantra.
The book Mantra , Tantra , Yantra is complete and gives comprehensive details of both the theoretical and practical aspects, and will provide insight into each aspect of these three differently named but similar or one worshipping. It will definitely prove helpful to general readers ; researchers ; learned devotees ; practitioners ;pandits ; sadhakas ; sadhus ; yogis ;tantriks and for that young generation who knows nothing about them and has no inkling of the enormous power they generate and give. It is a handbook for revelation and inner growth for all.
Details of book :-
- Author - Prof. Shrikant Prasoon
- Publisher - Pustak Mahal, Delhi
- Language - English
- Binding - Paperback
- Pages - 344