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The Das Mahavidyas are known as Wisdom Goddesses. The spectrum of these ten goddesses covers the whole range of feminine divinity, encompassing horrific goddess's at one end, to the ravishingly beautiful at the other. Mahavidya means (Maha - great; vidya - knowledge) Goddesses of great knowledge.   These Das Mahavidya Goddesses are: Kali (the Eternal Night) : The first Mahavidya is Kali....

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"Dhana" means wealth.  "Akarshana" means attracting. Dhana Akarshana yantra brings wealth, material comforts and prosperity in the life of the users. Goddess Lakshmi, consort of Lord Vishnu blesses her devotees with riches and luxuries. She is considered as the lucky Goddess that brings in opportunities to multi-fold the comforts and gains in one's life. Details of yantra Metal - Copper...

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Sri Dhanvantri Yantra is a one stop solution to cure your health problems and to stay in the pink of your health! Lord Dhanvantri, the deity for Sri Dhanvantri Yantra, is a Vedic physician and he cures your health ailments and protects the well being of his children in this Universe. Lord Dhanvantri encircles you with his positive vibrations which...

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Sri Dhanvarsha Kuber Yantra Chowki with Kubera idol Kuber (also called Kubera or Kuvera), the lord of riches and treasures, is a demi-god in Hinduism. Kubera (also Kuvera or Kuber) is the god of wealth and the lord of Uttaradisha in Hindu mythology. He is also known as Dhanapati, the lord of riches. He is one of the Ashta-Dikpalas, representing the...

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Durga Bisa Yantra is of Shri Durga Ambe Maa.Durga Bisa yantra is a very powerful yantra that is used to win luck and favor in business (specially in business meetings). It protects the user from the negative influence of other people. Durga Bisa yantra is regarded as a symbol of power. Persons of all types can use it. Durga Bisa...

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Durga Bisa Yantra is of Shri Durga Ambe Maa. Durga Bisa Yantra is a powerful yantra for attaining desires, to remove difficulties and to conquer enemies are the special effects of this yantra. Durga Bisa Yantra bestows wealth and property and protect the person from all sorts of dangers.It is commmonly said, that:- "JISKE PAS BISA USKA KYA KAREGA JAGDISHA"...

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Durga Bisa Yantra is of Shri Durga Ambe Maa. Durga Bisa Yantra is a powerful yantra for attaining desires, to remove difficulties and to conquer enemies are the special effects of this yantra. Durga Bisa Yantra bestows wealth and property and protect the person from all sorts of dangers.Durga Bisa yantra is considered to be very lucky for businessmen as...

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Durga bisa is a very powerful yantra.Sri Durga Bisa yantra is meant for health,wealth ,good luck & family protection.Worship of Sri Durga bisa yantra as per Adhayaya 4 sloka 17 of Durga Saptashati removes poverty. Durga Bisa Yantra is most famous yantra in different forms and is very effective, provided it is prepared and puja is performed with kinds of...

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Worshiping Lord Ganesha with full faith and devotion is considered to be very auspicious. Sri Ganesha is the giver of fortune, wisdom and luck. Ganesha Yantra is one of the most auspicious, strong, and important among all other yantras available. It not only provides materialistic benefits, but also helps in the overall growth of an individual. Lord Ganesha is given...