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Sri Lakshmi Bisa Yantra is the the auspicious yantra for Wealth and comforts in life.It is placed in cash box, almirah, purse or in temple of your house after worship (pran pratishta). It brings success and wealth through regular Pooja and mantra chanting. As per Indian (Hindu) Shastras the Yantras written on "Bhoj Patra" are the best yantra to accomplish...

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Sri Sampurn Badha mukti yantra is very Powerful unique Yantra. Sri Sampurn Badha mukti yantra has 13 yantras in it .The list of yantras is following:- Sriyantra (center)                                       - Wealth ,Goodluck and prosperity Sri Maha gayatri beesa yantra                - Wisdom and knowledge Sri Ganesh sidhi yantra                           - Luck and...

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The sriyantra has been crafted on pure silver plate.

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This is beautiful hanging with Sri Sriyantra on one side and Sri Vahan durghatna nashak yantra on another side. Sri yantra, also known as Sri Chakra, is called the mother of all yantras because all other yantras derive from it. In its three dimensional forms Sri Yantra is said to represent Mount Meru, the cosmic mountain at the center of...

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The possessor of SriYantra enjoys all the benefit of life and it is an instrument for wish fulfillment.It has a divine origin and lineage. Sriyantra is the symbolic form of all God and Goddess. It shows the origin and formation of entire Universe. It was possessed by the creator of the Universe and praised by the lord of the Earth....

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As per Indian (Hindu) Shastras the Yantras written on "Bhoj Patra" are the best yantra to accomplish the task of that particular yantra. Bhojpatra is processed from the layers of the tree named Bhoj, which is in use since the ancient times.A general looking bhojpatra Yantra is actually a very powerful yantra. The people of India are directed by rishis...

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The possessor of SriYantra enjoys all the benefit of life and it is an instrument for wish fulfillment.It has a divine origin and lineage. Sriyantra is the symbolic form of all God and Goddess. It shows the origin and formation of entire Universe. It was possessed by the creator of the Universe and praised by the lord of the Earth....

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Sri Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody. It is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling all wishes through inner cosmic power & mental strength. "Sree Yantra" - Sree meaning wealth and Yantra - Meaning "Instrument" - The Instrument...

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Subh Labh Yantra is a combined Yantra of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh and is called Maha Yantra. Through Ganesh Yantra one attains Siddhi and through lakshmi one is blessed with wealth. Shubh Labh Yantra can be placed in Pooja Ghar (Worship place), in cash box or a Almirah on a clean red coloured cloth. Subh Labh Yantra is very...