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Lord Kuber is the Lord of all the treasures on earth and even rules over the riches buried and unclaimed inside the earth. Lord Kuber is worshipped and propitiated for quick financial gains, unexpected gain of money through lotteries etc and a prosperous business. Kubera, or Kuber as he is commonly known, is the actual God of wealth in Indian...

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Lord Dattatreya is Guru of all Gurus considered as Incarnation of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma born to the great Saint Atri and his devoted wife Anusuya . This is Datta meaning ” to give – Gift ” because a pure saint always gives back what he has to this world. In the Natha tradition, Dattatreya is recognized as an Avatar...


Donec fringilla sapien sed elit luctus, eget mattis dolor efficitur. Ut id libero nulla. Morbi aliquam tortor massa, in aliquet eros molestie in. Quisque eleifend diam leo, a bibendum mi eleifend eget.


Donec fringilla sapien sed elit luctus, eget mattis dolor efficitur. Ut id libero nulla. Morbi aliquam tortor massa, in aliquet eros molestie in. Quisque eleifend diam leo, a bibendum mi eleifend eget.


Donec fringilla sapien sed elit luctus, eget mattis dolor efficitur. Ut id libero nulla. Morbi aliquam tortor massa, in aliquet eros molestie in. Quisque eleifend diam leo, a bibendum mi eleifend eget.

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This book attempts to fill this gap by clarifying important aspects of mandalas and yantras in specific Hindu traditions through investigations by renowned specialists in the field. Its chapters explore mandalas and yantras in the Smarta, Pancaratra, Saiva and Sakta traditions. An essay on the vastupurusamandala and its relationship to architecture is also included. Details of Book :- Author -...

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The book , Mantra Yantra Tantra , presents these three different ways of worshipping and the philosophy and psychology behind the worshipping of the manifest form of Shiva. The whole brahmand contains sounds like Mantras and functions as Tantra or Yantra . In other words the total universe is based on Mantra, Tantra and Yantra and inseparable from them. It...

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This is a brilliant book on all matters related to mantras , tantras , yantras and siddhis.The book has been written by Yogiraj Sri Yashpal ji,who is well known in India.This book has deep details regarding these subjects and has given answer of almost all the questions that comes in mind related to these subjects. Details:- Language: Hindi and Sanskrit...

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Sri Maha Meru represents the whole Universal Energy and the energy in every animate and inanimate object. Sri Meru yantra ring is useful for Growth and success of family and business. Ancient Scriptures indicate that the presence of Sri Yantra and/or Sri Maha Meru bestows Success, Mental Peace and Happiness through Health, Wealth & Harmony. It is also believed by...